Chapter 33:
Seven – Empty
Beyond the entryway, it was dark. The meagre glow from the sky cut a hazy stripe of light in from the door, showing Moth’s shadow in ahead of her – with a nervous twitch she went inside.
Her footsteps filled the stifling darkness. Though it was her only source of light, Moth shut the door behind her – she felt too vulnerable with it open, as if something would sneak up behind her.
It took an agonizing few minutes, but her eyes adjusted to the dark, revealing to her left massive tall windows; they were so dirty light could barely eke through, but by it Moth could see a suspended galaxy of dust hovering in the beams of foggy light.
She took more steps deeper into the manor house, every sound she made was so loud, her own heartbeat sounded like rain on a metal roof. Minute by minute, her eyes acclimated to the shadows, and more of the room was revealed to her.
The ceiling towered far above her – the walls were dense with paneling and trim and carvings; where there was a blank square of wall, it was moss green and decorated with floral patterns.