Chapter 37:
Three – Gatehouse Firmament
Moth only spent a half a day in the greenhouse.
It was difficult to focus; she kept looking up from her work to scan the gently swaying tree line, every shadow looking like the stolen face of that monster, the welkworm.
Though she had a growing pile of twitching, angry rose vines, it was barely a dent in the wild plantlife – she chose to focus on the area about the unnaturally large chaise longue, revealing more of the beautiful nasturtium stained glass windows, making a little space of peace.
It was small progress, and there hours left in the day, but Moth took of her gardening apron and returned to the gatehouse. She was exhausted from a restless night of watching out her window, expecting it to be watching her again in the night.
She wrapped her shawl around her shoulders, the wind fluttering both the fringe and the ivy around her feet. Every day here felt the same, like the cold first day of spring. The earth was black and chilly, and nothing but ivy grew – yet Moth was sure there was life underneath, dormant and ready, yet not even a green sprout stuck up.
At least the greenhouse was changing. Several sprouts, now allowed sunlight and space, were stretched up and growing before her eyes.