Chapter 50:
Dead Prince
The only thing Moth could do was think. The ferryman’s question was ever present in her mind; would she help Hiren if it meant giving up nearness to her family?
The question picked her apart like a seam ripper, stitch by stitch – she didn’t know who she was if she wasn’t a Hevwed. The ground she grew up on had been in their name ever since the first of them walked down the mountain. They were one of the oldest families in Hiren – the graves were full of her ancestors, the region full of her cousins. She had lived her entire life holding Clement’s hand – she couldn’t let go now.
But she was afraid of returning to Hiren as anything other than a bride – what would she tell those who had witnessed her offering? Would she say that Lord Correb had rejected her?
Humiliating though that was, she couldn’t bear giving up her family for Hiren.
Still, she reminded herself, the ferryman had not said she would never see her family again. But she could only visualize it as a brief, almost formal reunion – a reunion that would have hundreds of eyes watching and scrutinizing her. The less she saw of her family, the better she would be established as Lady Correb.
These thoughts, and hundreds more, wormed through her brain. She paced and paced in the gatehouse, the glow of the day coming through the stained-glass windows. She didn’t want to go work in the greenhouse with the eyes of her ferrier watching – she told him she would do anything to help Hiren. She now knew was a liar.