The Ferryman - Book 1

Chapter 66:

A Letter from Vade Hevwed

Holding the message in trembling fingers, Moth unfolded the hastily scrawled letter. She had to continuously wipe her eyes to see through the blur.

Mere I love you, I love you, I never dared hoped you’d be safe and alive, I mourned for you but there was no body to bury and no answer but I held on with everything in me to that little pinch of yellow ribbon and I would not let it go, I would not take it off. I hoped when the magpie took my shawl to you, I hoped when the rain came, but it felt feeble against your long absence and the deep and terrible drop of the sinkhole.

I did not even attend your wedding, I wouldn’t have let you go in, I would’ve stopped you. All I could do was weave your wedding apron and hope you’d change your mind.

But you survived, and I cannot dream or eat or breathe – I think about you all day and all night and I cannot understand what any of this means, but all I care about is that you’re alive.

We are joyous, then mourning, then joyous at the house every few hours. You’re alive but we cannot see you. We all know, we all understand – as best we can – that you are Lady of Korraban now, you are not ours any longer, we have no more right to you than anyone else. Nehem can be there to protect you, we need to know

you have someone with you to trust, but if too many of us clump around you, we know how people will talk.

Clem warns us, though he is sick with desire to see you, not to hold onto you – you have made a decision, you have decided to be Korraban’s now, not ours, you have taken his name and we cannot call you Hevwed any longer.

But I have to see you. With my own eyes, look at you, and know you are safe. You were such a tiny baby, you came so early, and in my heart I still think you’re that tiny, fragile creature.

We’ve heard the news, we are supporting you – we are bringing every sunstone we have on Sunday and we will be there but we will not talk to you.

Please. Don’t call to us or go to us – how will Hiren know you are for them if they think you favor us? They could never love you that way, and you are in a time where you must win the heart of Hiren. You must love them more than us, now.

You already started when you ran from home to the offering – it’s already in your nature, don’t give up. If Lord Correb has given you the answer to the fog, you must complete the task, you must save us.

I love you

I love you

I love you.

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