Chapter 45:
Worth an Answer
After a few days rest at the mansion, Moth returned to the gatehouse – Lander joined her, undaunted by her experience with the tin sword, or the recent infestation of a welkworm.
Moth, however, felt nervous returning – though the broken windows had been patched up with wood, and the magpie window had been sealed shut again with tin bars, there was still a lingering smell of invasion.
Agate was horrified.
“The gatehouse?” she asked faintly. “The lady of the mansion…won’t even sleep in the mansion?”
The guest room – though far more luxurious and convenient than the gatehouse – did not feel like a place she could call her own. The old out of the way outpost, up a flight of stairs in a crevice of the gatehouse, was not anyone’s; Moth had already begun to hang up her sketches.
“I’d really prefer the gatehouse.”
“You’re not a gatekeeper!”
“I’m not a guest either,” said Moth carefully, trying not to get too frustrated with Agate. “So, I shouldn’t sleep in a guest room if I’m a lady.”
“Then you should sleep–” began Agate, and faltered. Her eyes glanced towards the ferryman’s tower. Snapping her head away, she said brusquely, “I will ask Lord Correb.”