Chapter 25:
Brassy and Lala
Moth mostly stayed at Priscilla’s home. She took care of Camb in return, but mainly her days were spent Mrs. Tunhofe, travelling from farm to farm at the southmost tip of Hiren to ask how the fog had affected them.
At the end of a month, Moth’s journal was full of information.
It was early on a Monday, and Moth walked with Ama to the main Hevwed home so she could give the journal to Clem.
It was the first week of summer, and as they cut across a field enormous grasshoppers leaped out and collided with them, then skittered away into the shade. Ama would catch them midair and fling them away, or slap it before they hit her, eyes narrowed in focus, but giving a nod every so often as Moth chatted about her visits with the remote farmers.
“I can’t believe how different all their experiences are,” said Moth, feeling the weight of her journal in her bag. “And yet no one is unaffected by the fog.”
“Well, it’s everywhere.” Ama slapped a grasshopped out of the air, rescuing Moth. “Right?”
“It comes and goes – but yes, it’s all over Hiren. There must only be a dozen of farmers in all of Hiren who’s land hasn’t been hurt.”
“But its in other regions too, right? Not just Hiren?”
“Almost every region that touched Hiren has fog, but Hiren is the cradle.”